Sunday, January 4, 2015

Here I Am!

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth...I opened a quilt shop in downtown Burlington, Ontario. When I found out last January that the shop where I worked would be closing, and after some long talks with DH, we began to explore owning our own quilt shop. It had been a dream of mine when I was young, but since I was already immersed in a full time career (PHD - parent home daily) with three lovely charges, it was not a dream that I could bring to fruition. But timing is everything, yes? Since all our children are scattered around the country and we have no grandparently responsibilities, save a trip to visit once in a while, and because we've been officially retired for 4 years and bored to death, we thought diving into retail would be fun! Crazy? Yes. But we have had a blast! We love getting up every morning and talking about what the day in the shop will bring. I not only love quiltmaking, but I absolutely love running a quilt shop. Every day brings something different. I am thankful that DH loves the business end of is like having an accountant and business advisor on site full time! Pay us a visit online at if you live far away. I am blogging for the shop as well and you can link to that on our website as well. Hope you are thriving in this life,

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