Monday, May 16, 2011

Loving, Lattes, and Labels

Hey there! This morning my world is back to a quiet normal. For the last 10 days we've enjoyed having our middle daughter visit with her youngest wee babe (they hail from the Canadian west). I get so attached to the babies when they visit, and then all of a sudden they are gone out of our world. It is a sadness we've learned to deal with...without the tears that would flow in the early days of quick visits with grandkiddies! As an added bonus, my dear hubs flew in our son from the west for the weekend. He was a joy to have in our home and because he was here, all three of our grown children were able to enjoy a very few minutes together on Saturday before the leaving began Saturday night.

Saying bye-for-now is always hard on all of us. We are a close family...always have been. Even with the distance between us, we remain close and I thank God for that. It is always a delight when the kids come home for a visit but it happens very rarely. After all they have developed their own lives out west - good lives - and we enjoy going to their homes and entering into their worlds too. But leaving is always a mixed bag. Emotions creep up that you know are there all the time, but well governed. When saying goodbye, I am always surprised at how difficult it is for me to keep those emotions in check. Ah motherhood...never ends, does it?

We are always thankful we've had time together, but very sad to be parting once again. Skype helps, but we olders find it hard to use technology to keep these relationships at the level we want them to be at. I think it is easier for the youngers to do this...they do well talking through machines. Me - not so great. I want the real thing. All right...diversion needed here. Move on Deborah!

While enjoying my latte this morning, I decided to surf a few know...find something new out there and I'd like to direct you to a blog that I found. You might enjoy it too. This blog is a great read, with lots of inspiration and many tutorials that you might find interesting and useful. In particular, one of her posts talks about how to get your own custom labels printed for your quilts/projects at Spoonflower .

Lisa & Jer's Quilt
Cheese & Crackers
 I'm gonna try it. I always label my quilts. Oh, but I did discover yesterday, while snuggling in a quilt I had made my daughter and her hubs to celebrate their nuptuals (I wonder if anyone made a quilt for Catherine and Wills???) that it was labelless. How did that happen? Gotta make one and get it attached.

I believe that every quilt deserves a label so that in 100 years whoever is looking at the quilt will have the historical details. After all, it is usually a future family member who will treasure something made by great granny so and so and to have the details and circumstances under which the quilt was made is a tangible link to the past.

Enjoy your Monday. Mine will be spent quilting...and running the video of memories from the past week and a half through my mind. Talk soon,

1 comment:

  1. Love your new signature created by Madame Samm....she is talented, isn't she? Your post rings so true. You put into words some things that I have found hard to articulate. I'll have to go check out Spoonflower. Someone else had mentioned them....I need to put some labels on a few finished projects!
    Jacque in SC


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